Monday, April 26, 2010

old Blog 12 from 4/22/08-12/31/09

October 29, 2008 Day +16

Tedd Ostrem - Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tonight I sleep in my own bed!

Yes, I am home to recover and recuperate. I can't begin to explain the joy and blessing it is to be home with my family around me tonight. The things of greatest value you cannot buy! God has poured so much into my life in the past 5 weeks. I do not want squander this new gift of life I have been given. It will be a joy and a pleasure to share it with others.

I now begin a recovery process of 100 days. Pray for renewed strength and stamina which seem to elude me at the present time. The mind is willing but the body is not able. With time this will improve.

My plan is to preach Christmas Eve. As I am able and allowed I will begin to return to ministry but for now I need to rest and recuperate so my "new born" immune system develops into a strong adult immune system for the future.

At my discharge appointment I received a number of instructions. I found it humorous when  I read that I would receive all my childhood inoculations/vaccinations  one year from now with boosters to follow just like when we were kids. It tells me that I am doing well in the process yet I have a long way to go to full recovery. I ask that you would continue to pray for I have felt the power and sustaining work of each prayer lifted up these months. Thank you for praying.

October 28, 2008 Day +15

Tedd Ostrem - Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Day +15 brought good news. I am having my final exit exam tomorrow and will be released to return to the twin cities. I will have my palindrome line removed tomorrow and then pack up to go home. It has been a ride but all is well. God has provided and continues to sustain us. Bless you all.
Pastor Tedd

October 27, 2008 Day 14

Tedd Ostrem - Monday, October 27, 2008
Not much to add for Day 14. I am progressing very well and tomorrow hopefully will know my exit day. I am anxious to return home and recover fully. Pray for platelets. They appear to be the only barrier to my being released.

I continue to receive amazing emails from our church family, personal friends and family. It has be quite a journey but without the prayers, words of hope and encouragement it would have been a very lonely journey. Some wish they could do more...and I understand their frustration. I guess I had to do this myself to great extent. However, I have been lifted up and sustained daily by you and I could not have asked for "more". You are and have been the Body of Christ reaching out your hands and hearts through pray in powerful ways. I have received so much that I would be ungrateful to ask for "more". I praise Jesus for you all.

I Corinthians 12:24b-27
But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, 25 so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. 26 If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.

    27 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

October 26, 2008 Day 13

Tedd Ostrem - Sunday, October 26, 2008
It's the Lord's Day first and foremost. I woke early and prepared for the day. Showered and shaved I waited for the daily numbers that tend to manage my life currently. My white count move from 4.7 to 5.1. Well within normal limits. I was told that many don't have numbers like these until Day 20. I am grateful that God is using the stem cells to engraft swiftly and surely. After my morning vitals and exam, Dr Johnston was pleased. He suggested moving from in-patient to out-patient today. I will return tomorrow for another blood draw and exam. This is the daily protocol until I am released to return home from Rochester. I may be able to return to the cities by mid to late week. I give thanks to the Lord again that the stem cell transplant has been so smooth and soon will home.

Psalm 27:1, 4-5    David's Psalm of Confidence

 1 The LORD is my light and my salvation—
       whom shall I fear?
       The LORD is the stronghold of my life—
       of whom shall I be afraid?

 4 One thing I ask from the LORD,
       this only do I seek:
       that I may dwell in the house of the LORD
       all the days of my life,
       to gaze on the beauty of the LORD
       and to seek him in his temple.

    5 For in the day of trouble
       he will keep me safe in his dwelling;
       he will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle
       and set me high upon a rock.

 4 One thing I ask from the LORD,
       this only do I seek:
       that I may dwell in the house of the LORD
       all the days of my life,
       to gaze on the beauty of the LORD
       and to seek him in his temple.

    5 For in the day of trouble
       he will keep me safe in his dwelling;
       he will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle
       and set me high upon a rock.

October 25, 2008 Day+12

Tedd Ostrem - Saturday, October 25, 2008
It is Saturday and rather quiet on the floor. One of my stem cell "buddies", who is 5 days ahead of me in the process, stopped into say that by next Wednesday they were heading home. Sure sounds good. He is doing well and looking forward to being home with friends and family.

Lois came last night and will be with me for the weekend. I is good to have her here. This morning's numbers were improved again. My WBCs are 4.7 which is within normal limits again. My platelets lag but will come back soon.

Thanks again for all your prayers and words of encouragement.

October 24, 2008 Day +11

Tedd Ostrem - Friday, October 24, 2008
Day +11 continues to bring strength and improved numbers. My white count is up to 2.7.
With the increased white count comes better days and more energy. My platelets are still lagging but will soon kick in.

Lois came after school and we are watching the Gophers and Wisconsin hockey game. It is always good to have her near and my spirit is always lifted.

Thanks for praying and keeping watch with us. I am blessed to have you there for me.

October 23, 2008 Day+10

Tedd Ostrem - Thursday, October 23, 2008
In the last 24-28 hours I have been in 4 different hospital rooms. When they moved me up to floor 10 they found that I had developed an a-fib in my heart which they think was precipitated by the heavy chemo and then stem cell transplant process. Lots of stress on the body but it appears to be transient and resolved itself. As the a-fib resolved itself they would move me to a lower level of critical care. Mayo is amazing.

My counts are starting to improve. My wbc this morning was 1.0  as compared to 0.2 a few days ago. Pray for the RBCs and neutrophils to kick in. I feel better tonight and should continue to get stronger as my body produces these new cells.  Again it is just miraculous!

I just received a email from Pastor Rick Warren. I am on a list serve that he writes to encourage the local pastors in this journey of ministry we have been called. I am going to enclose a portion of his email and I believe you will understand why....

Dear Pastor,

I know many of you have been praying for my 25 year old daughter-in-law, Jaime who unexpectedly had a 20 hour brain surgery to remove a massive tumor, just 7 weeks after giving premature birth to her first child. Jaime is married to my son Josh.

Please forgive this impersonal email from the hospital waiting room, but it is the quickest way to thank all of you who have written to our family.   My weekly newsletter to our church family is below.  I'm sending it to you since there are several items you'd be interested in as a pastor.   God bless you dear friend and co-worker in Christ.

Dear Saddleback Family,

When life throws you a curve-ball, like our sudden discovery of Jaime's brain tumor, we realize once again that much of our schedule is often beyond our control.  Unforeseen crises prove the futility of long range planning.  No one but God knows the future.  While the Bible tells us that we ought to prepare for the future, no one can predict the future.  No one.  As Jeremiah said, "Lord, I know that a person's life doesn't really belong to him. No one can control his own life."  Jeremiah 10:23 (NCV) The Living Bible translation says it this way: O Lord, I know it is not within the power of man to map his life and plan his course."

The godly way to plan is scenario planning - having the attitude of, "We'll do this...IF such and such happens..."  This is the kind of planning that the Bible recommends: "Instead, you ought to say, "IF it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that." James 4:15 (NIV) 

I am watching the World Series...great ball players...great game!

October 22, 2008 Day +9

Tedd Ostrem - Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Day +9 was a full day. About 945pm on day +8 I started having an atrial fib. It persisted until 6am at which time they decided to move me to their ICU for cardiology. They did a bunch of test and decided to treat with with meds. I converted late afternoon and now I am waiting to return to Station 9-4 tomorrow. My white counts have continued to move up. I appears that I am engrafting and on the road to recovery. Still a long way to go but encouraging.

My daughter Whitney is with me for a few hours tonight. It is fun to just talk about normal everyday things. She was in Ocala, Florida for a conference this past weekend. She had a great learning experience.

Life long learning is a part of the journey. Stay in the Psalms.
Don't miss the World Series

October 21, 2008 Day+8

Tedd Ostrem - Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Day +8 has been a pretty good day. I am feeling stronger. My white counts from the early
AM were .4 and late PM counts .5...this appears to indicate I am turning the corner and the engraftment is starting take place. Pray that everyday my white counts increase at a controlled level. By the weekend or early next week the RBC and platelets should start to rebound.  Miraculous!

I am still having some symptoms but they seem to be resolving a little today. I look for tomorrow to bring added strength and health as we continue this journey. Thanks for your prayers.

October 20, 2008 Day+7

Tedd Ostrem - Monday, October 20, 2008
Day +7 was an up and down day. I would develop a fever and then it would resolve itself. It was a sleepy day with IV Blood transfusions and platelets during the day. IV antibiotics are also a part of the regime. Fatigue sets in and then subsides for awhile. I am told this will probably be the cycle for the next few days until engraftment takes place. My brother-in-law, John is with me today and will be with me during the week. The nursing staff is wonderful and compassionate. I am so pleased to be a Mayo for this season of healing. 

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