Monday, April 26, 2010

old Blog 3 from 4/22/08-12/31/09

October 5, 2009 Day +352

Tedd Ostrem - Monday, October 05, 2009

Time...where does it go? In thirteen days I will be "one years old" again!

Time is in the hands of God.
It is given as a gift and held as a treasure. I have a picture on our webpage of my father's hand, son Justin's and my own holding a watch given to each of us on our confirmation/affirmation of baptism. It was my grandmother's and still runs. The time is accurate as shown. It was around 8 pm of August 27, 2005 when the picture was taken. I look at the hands and marvel at how we are so unique and still of the same flesh and blood.

Friday I will begin my "one year baby shots". I promise not to cry. I will have a full physical with labs and pet scan. The immunizations will be a brief part of the full day at Mayo. I will find out how time has treated my body; or maybe how I have treated my body over time? There is always a little seed of angst as we (I speak for others I know who go through this ritual periodically too) close in on the day of testing and results learned. We learn to let God have this "time" because it is his to give. We learn to trust God above everything else; for God is time and eternity. May God bless you in this season of time we share.

September 25, 2009

Tedd Ostrem - Friday, September 25, 2009
Last night we had rehearsal and pictures in preparation for the Affirmation of Baptism Service (Confirmation Service) on Sunday at 1pm.

As I gazed over these young men and women I couldn't help recall my "confirmation" so many years ago. Affirming the faith of our mother's and father's in words that reflect the words spoken at our baptisms is one of great "connects" of faith in the Body of Christ, the church.

I watched the confirmands in their white gowns. Some were comfortable with it all but for most it was a strange situation. Who wears a gown of white when you are 15 years of age in this world of ours?
It would be different this night; this Sunday. Those who profess Jesus as their Lord and Savior...Leader and Forgiver of their sins would stand in white...a symbol/reminder of their baptism where they received God's grace, forgiveness and promise of "new life" each day as they would "re-robe" daily in the waters of baptism. Daily to die and rise as a new creation in Christ. This would become a regular faith venture...awake, recall God's promise and let it flow out of you like "fresh clean water" to others each hour of the day.

Affirm your faith today. Recall the promise of God to pour out Grace upon Grace over us so that we might be an "instrument of God's blessing" in our place God has planted us.

September 20, 2009

Tedd Ostrem - Sunday, September 20, 2009
Today I realized in fresh way that my body is vulnerable. I tried to minimize handshaking but still the habit is strong. I was not my usual vibrant self today and following services I went home and slept. Have some flu like symptoms this afternoon so hope I was not spreading "bugs" to others.

I know that the following scripture is quoted out of context but couldn't help think..."The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." 

My prayer is that we all weather this cold and flu season well. My grandson has a little infant friend who has been diagnosed with meningitis so am keeping this "little one" in our prayers.

September 13, 2009

Tedd Ostrem - Sunday, September 13, 2009
We began a preaching series on the Acts of the Apostles this morning. It was Rally Sunday. It is always great to see all the kids and their excitement around beginning a new year. The Worship center chancel area was full at each of the morning services. We had kids, parents and grandparents enjoying food and games throughout the morning. As I walked out the door, the activities were winding down but still many enjoying being together. It was a wonderful morning. Our CEAP team made a plea for coat donations for next Sunday. What a "goofy looking" crew as they wore jackets, hats, scarves and mittens (most too small for them) as they asked for our generosity in this appeal. Don't forget to bring a new or like-new coat to share with someone else in our community who will be in need of warm clothing this fall.

As I am preparing for the 6pm service, I can hear the musicians warming up. Prince of Peace is a wonderful family. Oh what a difference a year makes. To be healthy and able to do what God has called me to do is truly a blessing. Please continue to pray for my friend and former dental partner, Gary. He has started chemo treatment again. Blessings!

September 4, 2009

Tedd Ostrem - Friday, September 04, 2009
Labor Day Weekend 2009

Last year on this day I had finished my last chemo treatment. It was now the first day of 21 before I would start the stem cell transplant process. Hard to believe it has been one full year. I was bald; today I have hair. I wasn't fully aware of what was ahead; now I know. 

As Paul wrote, For now we see in a mirror dimly...there was a sense of not fully knowing what lay ahead. I grappled with the "what if's and if only's". The future was not clear. I was preparing for what ever would be. 

Today I give thanks for the many who walked in prayer with me. The prayer shawl and blanket that reminded me to keep Jesus at the center and to pray. The Psalms that comforted me in the darkest hours. Jesus walking with me into the future; whatever that might be. The Prince of Peace family and many others who "loved me" through these days.

I give thanks...
I pray today...for my friend Gary and wife, Patti. That Jesus would walk closely with them as they get the pathology report today. I pray a prayer for all those who have asked us to pray for them as they deal with illness, loss, healing from surgery, treatment for cancer and those who continue to struggle with joblessness. My heart is full of prayers for those who hurt for one reason or another. Hear my prayer Lord.

Haakon and Daddy on Big Slide at State Fair 09 on his First Birthday!

Haakon and Mommy at the State Fair 09 on his First Birthday!

August 24, 2009

Tedd Ostrem - Monday, August 24, 2009
I am posting to my blog as I indicated Sunday August 23, 2009 the four questions and my responses to the questions presented to me by a member of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church via email on August 22nd in regards to the ELCA Churchwide Assembly of 2009 held in Minneapolis the past week. These are my responses and do not reflect the position or opinion of anyone else but myself. I am not responding for the Congregation or Council of Prince of Peace. I am not responding for any other pastor or staff person of Prince of Peace. I am including at the end of my responses the email received from our Bishop Craig Johnson on August 22, 2009. I read the questions and my responses word-for-word as printed in this document on Sunday August 23, 2009 at the 9 am and 10:30 am services. Please read carefully and prayerful...


Questions from a Prince of Peace Lutheran member by email on 8/22/09:

· Does Prince of Peace have any delegates and if so, how did they vote?
· Does Prince of Peace as a church support the decision of the ECLA delegates?
· Do the Prince of Peace pastors individually support or not support the decision?
· Does the church council have any voice in this matter?

August 22, 2009        
Pastor Tedd’s Response to questions sent by a member of Prince of Peace Lutheran
As I watched the Churchwide Assembly 2009 proceedings unfold this week I could only imagine the questions or concerns that the membership of the ELCA at large would be asking their pastors today. I will speak for myself at this time as a member of Prince of Peace and as a pastor of Prince of Peace.

We did not have a Voting Member from our congregation that was able to vote. Kim Hofer attended as an alternate Voting Member but was not called upon to be a Voting Member during the sessions to my knowledge. Kim is unable be in church today due to a family commitment however I believe she will be available next Sunday for some form of a report. The answer to your first question: we did not have a specified Voting Member from Prince of Peace which was in part due to the structure of electing church wide Voting Members. They are not delegates, as we once knew that represent a specific congregation. As Voting Members, they are asked to vote their conscience and are free to do so.

I am unable speak for the Prince of Peace Congregation at this time as to whether it would support these decisions or not. We have the freedom to do so in the days ahead. I am including a copy of our Bishop’s Letter for your consideration at the end of this email.

As senior pastor and a member of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church I speak only for myself at this time. I am uable to support the decision to accept the Study on Human Sexuality or the following amendments that were passed concerning the Vision and Expectations of Ministry. I believed that our previous documents and position of the ELCA were faithful to the Word of God and our Lutheran Confessions, which other pastors and I have faithfully served under over the years. I recognize that there were tensions within the existing documents that the greater church was trying to address in love, however I believe the Churchwide Assembly of 2009 has left us in a greater tension than ever before. I see it as a question of the authority of the Word of God; others may not.

I believe the decisions made this week have deviated from the traditional and accepted witness of the Scriptures as we have known and taught and I am unable to support the changes to these documents. I see the church as being an inclusive place in Christ where all who have sinned and fall short of the glory of God may come to rest and be restored in Christ. A place where Christ’s redemptive love seeks us out in mercy and grace. I believe this to be my call as a pastor and member of the Body of Christ. I will continue to seek to minister to all in grace, mercy and love no matter what their journey has brought them.

As a church: Prince of Peace Lutheran, in response to your inquiry and others, will seek to discern the direction of the Prince of Peace family in these matters and whether it supports the decisions made this week by the Voting Members of the CWA 2009. The Prince of Peace Lutheran Congregation Council has a voice in this matter as does the Congregation. The Council will deliberate on these decisions and their impact. The Council will proceed appropriately following this deliberation. I am unable to speak for the Congregation, the Congregation Council or Leadership at this time however I realize that there is great concern for what this will mean for the future of the ELCA and our Congregation.

I would appreciate any direction and input that you or others might have in this matter. We are entering a challenging time at Prince of Peace. My prayer is that we may be able to prayerfully discern what God’s Word in these matters means for our future in the ELCA. I seek your prayers in this matter.
In Christ,
 Pastor Tedd
Our Bishop's response: To the actions taken by the CWA 2009

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you." (John 14:27a)Our Lord Jesus said to his disciples and speaks now to us.

Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Minneapolis Area Synod:

As many of you know, our Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has been in a 20 year process of Biblical study, theological reflection conversation, and prayer centering around issues concerning human sexuality and more particularly, homosexuality.
A vote has now been taken and this vote approved a policy change so that those persons in a publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationship who have gone through the candidacy approval process, may serve as ordained pastors in this Church. What this means is:
  • If a congregation in a regular call process determines that a candidate who happens to be in a publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationship, is their candidate of choice to serve as pastor or rostered lay person in their congregation, and if that candidate has been approved in our candidacy process, that candidate may be recommended to the congregational council for ratification and subsequently to the congregation for at least a 2/3 majority vote for approval.

  • Candidacy committees may choose not to preclude a candidate from becoming
             rostered in this Church simply because the candidate is in a publicly
         accountable, lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationship.
  • As always, the congregation has the authority in our polity to select the candidate they would like to call. So the same process of calling a pastor or rostered lay person will be in place as before. Candidates will continue to go through the same rigorous vetting process that has been a part of our calling of a pastor or rostered lay person by congregations which has been in place for many years.

  • I ask for your patience as our churchwide organization will work diligently this fall to make sure that these policy changes will be carefully designed for synodical, candidacy, and congregational use. By early winter, the design should be in place. But nothing will happen immediately and I ask for your understanding for this important work.

  • This vote means that many in our Church will be bitterly disappointed and angry. I ask everyone to remember the words of the Apostle Paul, "Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body." (Colossians 3:14-15a) Let us strive to live together as the Holy Scriptures call us to live together even amid our disagreements. Our Church has gone through very difficult votes before in our history. I believe if respect is given for bound consciences, prayers for peace are offered to God, and the Scriptures are the central, authoritative norm for our life together, we will also find our way together with God's help.

In Christ,
Bishop Craig E. Johnson

August 18, 2009

Tedd Ostrem - Tuesday, August 18, 2009
"There is time for everything..."   Ecclesiastes 3:1a

On Sunday a dear friend and co-worker of my wife, Lois, died. Laurie had battled cancer for 12 years. She was a woman of faith, hope and courage in Christ. Brent her husband of 20 years needs prayers for him and their children Kelsey, Trent and Trey. 

I am enclosing an excerpt from two of her last Caring Bridge posts. They reveal a hope and faith that not even cancer can strip away. 

Thanks be to Jesus, the Healer of all things at all times...Thank you for Laurie, her faith and family...hear Laurie's words for this day from her last days...

“Hello to all!

Time for another update
Time for more prayers
Time to keep focusing on all we have
Time to always know that the Lord has the ultimate plan
Time to love
Time to healand
Time to keep HOPE a part of our life...
Lets just say we are trying to not live in fear, but to give thanks for the time we have here......knowing that the plan is already in place. I am working diligently on a "peaceplan"..... getting those things done that will give all ofus peace at night. 

It's the "nesting" phase I feel I am in.... preparing a home that will truly show love and that all who enter feel that love and can hear that laughter.

I may be small, but I sure am a mighty fighter...... I do want to believe we will find the drugs and the treatment will work..... no whinning or giving is that dose of reality that creeps in, knowing the only cure for this nasty illness comes from Him. His healing is what we pray for, knowing that comes in all different forms.

Time for more prayersTime for you to know how important your love isTime to say thanks......for everythingTime to laugh ....... and ........Time to Hug those you love hard and VERY often!...
I ask that you keep all those who touch my life, in your prayers. Fill up their HOPE buckets and give them the strength they need to keep supporting. This journey is not for the lonely or faint ofheart...... we rely on our Lord to give us peace and direction.....knowing that he holds all of us close.”
Love you all!

August 15, 2009

Tedd Ostrem - Saturday, August 15, 2009
"Praise God from whom all blessings flow..."

We sing this phrase as part of our table blessing from time-to-time. It reflects, the Source of blessing, and the joy filled hope we receive through them. Blessings of being in His presence and protection surround us. 

I give thanks this day as we have returned from a six day trip to NC with my Mother. All went well. At 91, Mother is quite incredible. She went to the beach on two separate days and sat at the edge of the ocean waters that splashed all over her. It was a joy to see her glee as she watched for shells that would wash up on the beach that she might collect to take home. We had a little more weight due to shells but it was worth it. 

"Joy is the echo of God's life in you."  Oh how true at any age!

See you in church tomorrow

August 3, 2009

Tedd Ostrem - Monday, August 03, 2009
A quick update on the journey:
I had a good follow up at Mayo on July 28-29. I will not return to Mayo until October 09. I am to begin my "baby shots" at that time. I will have follow ups with the various specialties at the same time. I have an "event monitor" prescribed by my cardiologist to monitor any unusual episodes I might have in the next 3 months. If I detect anything unusual I am able to record and transmit information to Mayo. It will help in determining the follow up treatment after October.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well. Psalm 139:14

We are truly amazing creations. Thanks be to God.

July 23, 2009

Tedd Ostrem - Thursday, July 23, 2009
From By His Light Devotional July 23, 2009...

This devotional helped sum up this day...
Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness.
~James Thurber~
Life is a journey...Too often, we are so wrapped up in arriving at a destination, that we take no time to enjoy the journey.  An entire lifetime can be wasted in thinking, "I'll be happy when I have this", or "I'll be happy when that occurs".  Be happy NOW!  Take time to smell the roses, and be thankful for THIS day!
“That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear.  Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing?  Look at the birds.  They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them.  And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?  Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?  “And why worry about your clothing?  Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow.  They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are.  And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you.  Why do you have so little faith?  “So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’  These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs.  Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need."
~Jesus / Matthew 6:25-33 (NLT)~

This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
~Psalms 118:24~
© Copyright 2003-2009 by Guiding Light Ministries International.  All rights reserved.

1680 Hendrsonville Rd. - # B-6
Asheville, NC 28803

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