Monday, April 26, 2010

old Blog 14 from 4/22/08-12/31/09

October 12, 2008

Tedd Ostrem - Sunday, October 12, 2008
Thank you for your words of encouragement and many prayers. I am having another top grade A day today. Stem cell transplant tomorrow morning about 9am CDT. We have been praying that the stem cells do a might work that only Jesus could do!

      Jon Walker wrote in his devotional Grace Creates on Friday 10/8/08....

        "I prayed to the LORD my God and confessed: 'O Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with all who love him and obey his commands . . . .' Daniel 9:4 (NIV)

       "Sovereignty simply means God has the right to rule. Submission simply means we agree we have no right to rule.

Leaving it all in God’s sovereign and gracious hands.
Pastor Tedd and Lois

October 11, 2008

Tedd Ostrem - Saturday, October 11, 2008
What a wonderful day! Our grandson Haakon, Justin, Amy, Lois and myself had a great afternoon together. The kids came down after lunch and stayed for supper. It was a beautiful afternoon and we just enjoyed being with each other. It was almost "normal"...
Haakon has grown. He is 6 weeks old, smiles and makes facial gestures. It was really neat.

I was out on pass from the hospital with the promise I would return by 7:30pm for chemo tonight. I have my last chemo treatment tomorrow AM! The conditioning process will be complete and I will be ready for the stem cell transplant Monday AM. I will probably be having my chemo treatment as you worship tomorrow morning. Wish I could be there to worship with our church family but that day will come sooner than later. All our love to you all.

October 10, 2008

Tedd Ostrem - Friday, October 10, 2008
Day -3 is closing fast. It has been a better day and chemo has been going smoothly. I am waiting for the evening chemo as I write. I received many cards today from so many of our friends and church families. Lois had a whole bag full of cards and messages from you all. Each one lifts us up as we read your words of encouragement and call to faith. God is at work in all this.

I tend to get restless and wonder how this can all be working. But time and again I receive encouraging reports of how our church family and friends are seeking to serve God more fully each day. God is in charge...I need to remember that daily. God's family is God's instrument in this world not our own. As one leader wrote, "There is nothing like the local church when the local church is working right." Lois and I am being blessed daily by the "local church" and all the churches praying for us. Praise God in these days so that He may be glorified and His Name may be made known through us.

October 9, 2008

Tedd Ostrem - Thursday, October 09, 2008
Tougher day today. Had bouts of nausea. Rather shaky feeling in general.
Thanks for praying. Thought there was a baseball game tonight? Makes things go faster.

October 8, 2008

Tedd Ostrem - Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Day -5 is half over. It started with IV fluids at 5:30am...not much sleep. They started chemo treatment #1 at 8am then chemo treatment #2 at 10am. I was able to get out of the hospital for the afternoon but to return by 7pm for a second round as in the morning. I am waiting to get hooked up to the chemo at 8pm. I am feeling good and few symptoms or side affects as of now. They have described the side affects but I have decided to do today and will take them as they come. The treatment is very proactive but will be reactive as time goes on and how my body responds.

They have indicated that after my stem cell transplant on Monday if all goes well I will be on outpatient status with daily visits to the hospital for blood work and examination to monitor my progress. Pray that days 0 through +15 pass with minimal side affects. Three out of four transplant patients are re-admitted to the hospital due to complications. I am shooting to be the one out of the four (my prayer) but will do what needs to be done.

Patience has not been one of my best attributes. I am learning to wait and rest.
In my devotions this morning I read from Psalm 115,
                    "The LORD remembers us and will bless us:"

Imagine the God of all creation, of heaven and earth remembers us and will bless! Why? We are so insignificant in the greater scheme of things yet God cares for you and me...what a great and loving God we serve.

The Psalms are rich in picture language of how God sees us and cares for us.

Psalm 113 declares:

5 Who is like the LORD our God,
       the One who sits enthroned on high,

    6 who stoops down to look
       on the heavens and the earth

    7 He raises the poor from the dust
       and lifts the needy from the ash heap;

    8 he seats them with princes,
       with the princes of his people.

    9 He settles the childless woman in her home
       as a happy mother of children.
       Praise the LORD.

October 7, 2008

Tedd Ostrem - Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Day -6 is over and done with! Hooray God! I had some symptoms of headache and weariness but all-in-all it was a good day. Tomorrow I start 2-a-day chemo treatments. I will have two session per day, one at 8 am-11am and second at 8pm-11pm or so. This will be for days (-5 to -2). I will be encourage to head out of the unit in the afternoon to get some exercise. I will be masked when outside my room. No...not a Halloween mask...I don't need one with this bald head! Uff da...I'm scary enough...

One of our transplant nurse coordinators is the wife of a young man who was in Lois and my high school church youth group in Crookston, MN. They both work at Mayo and we have made connection with Marsha this past week. She told us that her daughter was being Confirmed last Sunday. We found out yesterday that her father and mother were in an auto accident on the way up for this special weekend. Her father was killed and mother is in one of the hospitals in Rochester. Pray for Marsha, Fred and their families as they go through this difficult time.

Life is so uncertain, yet "our faith is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness." I find singing the hymns and praise songs bring the Scriptures alive. The "Arts open the heart" for the Holy Spirit to speak, comfort, enlighten and guide us through the uncertain and difficult times. Find a favorite hymn or praise song tonight. Read it. Sing it the best you can. Pray it. The Spirit of Jesus will be with you and in you "at-such-a-time-as -this".  Blessings, Pastor Tedd

October 6, 2008

Tedd Ostrem - Monday, October 06, 2008
"They will have no fear of bad news;
       their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the LORD."
Psalm 112:7 TNIV

Life is full of Surprises that are not what we anticipate...yet God is present in the unthinkable circumstances of our lives if we keep our eyes and ears of faith wide open.
         ...from My Journey on the website

Tomorrow morning at 8am I will be hospitalized to begin the intensive chemotherapy daily until Sunday. Monday the 13th they will reintroduce my stem cells and it is called day 0 of 100. If all goes well I will be released from the hospital on the 13th. I will continue to return daily to have blood work and interventions of meds, transfusions etc. until I am declared fit to return to the metro area. I will keep you updated as the process unfolds.

The stem cells will be the "rescue" from the chemo induced suppressed immune system. So I asked today if my stem cells were in a safe place. The answer was, "Yes, right between the frozen steaks and the ice cream"...Uff da!  They freeze the stem cells and at the right time thaw them out right before returning them to my body. Amazing.

"Rescue"...we have heard a lot about rescue in the past 2 weeks as our financial world has been shaken. Rescue is one of those words that bring hope and help at the same time. Jesus has "rescued" us from our sin, fear of death and the power of the evil one in our lives. His cross is the sign and security that God has rescued and will rescue us. This sign of rescue was "frozen" in time and eternity between two other crosses. The words of rescue, grace and assurance were spoken that day for all to hear..."today you will be with me in paradise." The question was "remember me?" God remembers and promises to be with us in the midst of all things, even the unthinkable. That is a real time definition of "rescue".

As I face tomorrow I am certain that Jesus will be with me as I enter this final stage of the journey toward healing. I would ask for prayer.
  • Pray that I will avoid infections.
  • Pray that I would have minimal nausea.
  • Pray that my stem cells will be vibrant and ready to reseed the bone marrow and begin producing WBC, RBC, neutrophils, platelets etc. The sooner they begin to develop the sooner I will be able to return to a full life and service with you all.
Thank you for walking with me during this time with all your prayers and words of encouragement. They have been a strength beyond measure. Blessings!

October 4, 2008

Tedd Ostrem - Saturday, October 04, 2008
Dear Friends,

We made our goal...5.51 Million stem cells on Friday. Praise God!
I have appointments on Monday to begin the stem cell transplant. Chemo will begin on
Tuesday October 6th which will become day -6. After 4 days of chemo the plan is to re-introduce my stem cells on Oct 13th (day 0 of 100). It will take about 7-10 days for the stem cells to re-implant themselves in the bone marrow and begin producing WBC, RBC, platelets etc. Pray for this process as the body's immune system does not exist until the re-engraphment takes place. I feel strong, ready and at peace for this procedure. Thanks again for all the prayers and words of encouragement from so many. Blessings.

October 2, 2008

Tedd Ostrem - Thursday, October 02, 2008
One more day of collection tomorrow. I added another 1.09M cells today so will finish Friday. It has been an interesting and fruitful process.

We are "fearfully and wonderfully made" the Psalmist tells us (Psalm 139). Oh how true it is. Our bodies are so intricate and delicate yet durable and resilient. Some times we think of creation as an event yet each day God is creating new stem cells in my body miraculously as they give me a growth factor injection to stimulate the process. Yet with out the hand of God involved nothing would happen.
Awesome...We have an Awesome God.

October 1, 2008

Tedd Ostrem - Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Today we broke past the half way point of collection. They have collected 3.52 M stem cells to date. If all goes well I could finish tomorrow. If not I will continue on Friday. The stem cell collection team is great. I give God thanks and praise for all these wonderful folks.

I had a surprise visit by one of Lindsay's friends. Margo and her husband Robb had coffee with my sister and me this afternoon. Lindsay met Margo at the National Institute of Health during a LAM visit. Margo is a beautiful young woman, mother and wife. Her husband Robb is this sweet, sweet soul. They have two darling little boys, Erik and Alek. I wish you could meet them. You would fall in love with them right now. It was the highlight of my day.

Lindsay and Margo shared something in common, LAM,
I would encourage you to check out the website of the Lam Foundation. There is research going on to help find some treatment for this disease. Pray that these dedicated men and women researchers would find a break through soon. Blessings my friends.

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